Sunday, April 14, 2013

What We've Been Up To....

The weather here on the east coast has finally let up and brought some much needed sun. It seems like last time it was warm, Bobby was so young and didn't truly understand things, like he does now. He loves to be outside and lately that's just what we've been doing. He's 26 months old, independent and curious about everything. He talks more then I ever knew a 2 years old could talk, and sometimes wish he didn't know some of those words. He's much like me as in when he finds something new he likes, he wants to do it everyday. Right now we take daily trips to feed the duckies, play near the water, and do anything that has to do with birdies.

This was his first time playing in sand and we had such a good time. He was too cute digging with his little shovel and pail. He loved the feeling of the sand in his hands and on his feet and even tried to taste it. I'm so excited to take him to the beach this summer, I know he's going love playing at the big beach.

We love feeding the duckies! Even though they're geese, we call them duckies and we're totally obsessed. Bobby talks to them, sings songs to them, and of course wants to kiss them!

Bobby loves to play with sensory bins, so this past week we've been playing with bid seed. I like using the smaller tub for him, but would recommend using a larger one for 2 or more kids. I love sensory bins and if you follow me on Pinterest I have quite a few ideas pinned.

Family time is our favorite!

I  hope your all having a great weekend and getting some great weather like we've had!

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