Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter Friends!

Happy Easter Friends! I hope your all having an amazing day. Today we gave B is Easter basket in the morning, then we went to an Easter egg hunt downtown. It was a nice time, but way too many kids. B was only able to get one egg, before they were all gone. That was a little annoying because we waited for about 1 1/2 hours, but it was a great day. We came home, relaxed, and had Mexican for dinner! It was a great day, and I'm glad we spent it how we did. 

Baby B's face is priceless, he was exhausted!

Last week was a really busy week at work, since it was the end of the month, so I wasn't able to do too many blog post. Things should be back to normal this week, and if not then definitely by the following week.

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