Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day Friends!

Happy Mothers Day Friends! I'm so happy to be able to celebrate my 2nd Mothers Day as a mother. When I woke up (after Bobby let me sleep in), Bobby had a nice breakfast made and we just enjoyed the day together. I made sure to tell Baby B how happy I was to be his mom. Since my mom passed away, Mothers Day always felt a little empty. Having Baby B has helped fill that void that you can feel, when you loose a parent. I miss my mom everyday she's not here. She was one of the most incredible women I know to this day. Her life was tough (I might have to do another blog post about her), but she managed to be kind, loving and giving. Luckily, Mothers Day doesn't have to be a sad day anymore. I get to celebrate being half the mother she was! 

                                  I love all my subscribers and hope you all had a fabulous day!

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