Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Weekend 2012 plus an Update

Hi my long lost friends! Oh how I've missed you! I'll spare you all the "I've been so busy" busniess, and honestly say that blogging had to take a backseat for a while. I wish I could say I've been yachting in St.Tropez for the entire summer and came back with an amazing tan! Or won the lottery and decided to live off the grid, so I don't spend all my winnings! But that would be a lie and the truth is life happened! I'm not 100% back, probably closer to 70% so please be kind snd bear with me! I'm back to being a SAHM to little B, which is way harder now that he's almost 2. I've missed blogging so much and I'm glad to be back to share my journey again!
This past weekend we went to the Pocanos with our Queenie (the name B calls my mom). They had a Halloween weekend at the campsite she stays at. It was such a great time. I couldnt believe some of the amazing decorations people had set up. Chainsaws, lights, fog machines and scary music just to name a few. B dressed up as Mickey and I did a quick and easy black cat look.

I hope everyone effected by hurricane Sandy is holding up well. Its so windy here, I cant remember wind this bad! It sounds like our roof us going to blow off! But all is well and Im wishing you all the same!
Make sure you stay in contact! Im on twitter @sensation _finds and instagram @sensationfinds all the time! So lets chat! Also comment below and let me know what your Halloween plans are!
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