Thursday, December 20, 2012

Our Christmas Tree including DIY Ornament Tip

Hi friends! Just when I thought I was back to posting regularly, I had to go drop my tablet in a sink full of water! I thought I was seeing things, like my tablet really couldn't just be sitting in water, It was. Luckily we had insurance and thats why I've been gone for so long. So lets keep our fingers crossed for no more issues!
I love seeing the way people decorate their Christmas tree. I would say our tree is an eclectic style, we have a variety of ornaments and special touches.  One great way to add your own touch is making your own ornaments.

What you do is purchase clear ornaments for any craft store. Stock up now! It's the perfect time since they'll be on sale, you can store them away until next year. Then get any color acrylic paint I will say this, glitter paint sucks! It was clumpy and too opague for what I wanted. Pick at least 3 different colors to give some variety. Now, all you have to do is place paint INSIDE the ornament, swirl it around to coat the entire inside. Beware that the paint will run before drying. You'll have one of a kind balls that give your tree an ecletic look.

I added glitter feathers, branch, pine cones and picture to the more traditional collectible ornaments. I love how our tree reflects our family. It's fun, laid back with a touch of traditional. I love seeing all the new trends this year, but when I look at our tree I see memories and that makes me happy!

I would love to see how you decorated Christmas tree! Leave a comment or tweet me below with your blog link,

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